Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Thanksgiving Tribute

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise…"

Psalm 100:4

Imagine a Thanksgiving Day parade marching through the gates of heaven. Talented musicians lead the procession while dancers rejoice in the goodness of God. Crowds stream from every direction to join the revelry.

I pray that the collection of Thanksgiving music at Living Above Neutral will usher you and your family into the Lord’s presence in a parade of praise!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

More Than A Job

Jenny took her job to the next level. She kept track of birthdays and baked cakes each month for building-wide birthday parties. Pass her way, and Jenny asked, “How’s your family doing?” Miss a day of work, and she’d look you up when you returned, asking, “Are you feeling better?”

One winter day, a fierce ice storm dumped several inches of sleet on everything. North Texas experienced a complete whiteout when sleet turned to snow. I called my husband’s office 45-miles away to urge him to come home. Too late, he left the office for lunch, and I got no answer. In desperation, I called Jenny. “My husband’s at lunch. I need for him to come home as soon as possible, but I’m uncertain if he’ll check his voice mail when he gets back to the office.”

“I’ll put a note on his chair if you’d like.” Jenny volunteered.

As an employee, Jenny lived above neutral.

How can you go beyond your job description this week?

I’d love to hear your ideas!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We Have A Job To Do

Visit Writers In The Storm for this week's post regarding God's job description for each of us.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Good, The Bye and The Ugly


On my list of goofy phrases, this oxymoron ranks up there with civil war and benevolent dictator.

What aspect of separation, parting and farewell merits the word “good?”

I have decided to boycott, “Good-bye.”

No more good-bye tears, hugs, or kisses. I’ve waved off the good-bye wave. Tossed out the good-bye message. Silenced the good-bye song. I’ve closed the book on tearful, sad, golden, final, emotional and last good-byes.

“See you soon” or “See you later” works for most benevolent partings.

For fun or frivolous farewells, I will rely on: bon voyage, toodle-oo, or cheerio.

But when the separation involves decades or an undetermined amount of time or the remainder of earth’s years, how do I address such an occasion?

I find myself running to the original meaning of good-bye for a solution.

Good devolved from the word God
Bye morphed from the short-hand of Be With Ye (bwye which further shortened to bye).

God Be With Ye.

This Memorial Day, I remember my uncle who fought on the blood-soaked beaches of the Pacific during World War II and I whisper with all my heart, “Uncle George, God be with ye.”

To those who sacrificed their lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness to insure our nation's freedom. Thank You. God Be With You!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Write Like A Pro Workshop

Write Like a Pro Workshop begins tonight. This free workshop continues for three Tuesday nights in May (13, 20, 27) from 7:00-8:30 at the Aubrey Public Library. Find descriptions of the Get it Write. Get Creative. Get Published workshops at

Hope to see you there tonight!

Heroes...Way more than a TV series...

I'm continuing the discussion of heroes at Writers In The Storm.

Visit here and read about the man that God admired.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Heroes...More than a TV Series

The month of May gives us Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day and Memorial Day...days to recognize heroes who made history, heroes who make a difference today, and heroes who made our nation what it is.

Visit Writers In The Storm for this week's post looking at the correlation between heroes and Living Above Neutral

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Garden Tour

I'd like to invite you to my garden.

take a stroll with me through the blossoms.

Friday, April 25, 2008

When I whine instead of pray...

As a person who wants to Live Above Neutral, I spent time this week wrestling with the difference between whining and supplication.

My investigation began with a visit to the dictionary…

Whine means to complain or protest in a childish fashion.

My supplication turns whiny when:

  • I demand. I leave no room for God to say, “No.” I usurp God’s authority.

  • I bargain. I try to get my way by asking over and over again in a Balaam-like fashion.

  • I complain. I dwell on all the reasons I’m not happy with my situation.

  • I sulk. I cross my arms and pout because I know that my way is better than God’s way.

So, what does healthy supplication look like?

  • I request. I realize God has the right to give a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.

  • I rest. I recognize God knows best and express my confidence in His decision.

  • I rejoice. I appreciate the blessings in my life.

  • I relinquish. I let go of my anger, dissappointment and bitterness. I yield to God's plan.

When I get to my knees, how does this information affect my prayer life?

I ask…
I ask with hope, believing He hears.
I ask with respect, believing He’s God.
I ask with my head, knowing God’s Word.
I ask with my heart, knowing God’s will.
I ask repeatedly, frequently and fervently.
I ask…
and I receive.
His yes or His no.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Supplication...This week's discussion

Mondays, I post at Writers In The Storm. Visit WITS to read this week's discussion of prayer and supplication.

I would love to hear your comments.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Giving Credit Where Credit’s Due

Do you ever feel like you’re learning the same life lesson over-and-over again?

“I should know this by now,” becomes a yearly—perhaps even weekly—mantra.

With an ironic laugh, I’m realizing that today’s lesson should be one I know by heart. Still, I felt a moment of discovery as the thought occurred to me, “Only by God’s grace will my writing be published.” Whew. Typing the words on my keyboard creates bittersweet feelings.

I remember when I realized that finding that special someone is God’s grace…and His grace alone. Undeserved. Unmerited. Gift. My beauty (lol), charm or wile would never secure my lifelong mate. A husband comes from the hand of God as a present. The only thing missing’s the bow.

I learned the lesson again when the doctor said those unimaginable words, “You can’t have children.” My lungs refused to inflate…black dots, called floaters by ophthalmologists, blotted out the face of the hated doctor. Undeserved. Unmerited. Gift. Feelings of entitlement fled as I realized that children, too, come from God.

I should know by now that every good things comes from God…

Why do I forget? When the dust settles from my fit-throwing (hm, good thing the toaster was already broken!), I remember…oh yah…

Monday, April 7, 2008

Out Of Focus

Keeping things in proper focus
is a challenge for all of us.
I invite you to visit
for this week's discussion about confession.

I post each Monday on WITS.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Adoration: The Complete Picture

To feel awe, devotion, idolization, reverence, veneration, love
…To enjoy enthusiastically, excessively
…To eat up, dote on, delight in…
To adore

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Adoration: A Head and Heart Thing

Adoration begins in the head with a right understanding of God. But all head with no heart presents only half a picture of adoration. Head and heart have to come together.

Our minds are actively engaged in the affairs of the heart. When I think about my husband working until 3:00 a.m. to get this website up-and-running, my heart flip-flops. Wow! He really loves me! My mind fondles the kind acts of my husband. As I review each one, my heart responds.

When we explore the person of God with our minds, our hearts respond. How can we turn our minds to God and further foster a deep, rapturous love for God?

7 Ways to Rekindle My Love Affair With God

  • Write a list of God’s attributes and meditate on each one.
  • Write a list of God’s good gifts in my life.
  • Write a love letter to God.
  • Write a love poem to God.
  • Go for a walk with God. Imagine Him right beside me and talk with Him.
  • Read five psalms and look for characteristics of God.
  • Recall one kind act God performed in my life. Review the incident in my mind
Do you have other ideas for fanning our hearts' flames for God?
Please post your ideas in the comments section. I'd love to give them a try!

Today I posted at Writers In The Storm.

Visit here to read about adoration.

What is adoration? Though adoration seems like an antiquated word, unraveling its meaning reveals important truths for each of us.

Friday, March 28, 2008

A River of Gifts

“Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven.
The gifts are rivers of light cascading down
from the Father of Light.”
James 1:17 (The Message)

My children climbed down the banks of the Trinity River. They scrambled across the crooked trunks of fallen trees and dangled their hands into the bubbling water. They watched wide-eyed as a leaf dropped into the stream, twirled three times and sped away.

Gifts—faster and more numerous than I can count—pour across me. They pick me up and twirl me in a dance of thanksgiving. Coming from the Father of Lights, many blessings brighten my life:

· Husband, children and friends
· Parents, sister and in-laws
· Church, neighborhood and city
· Cars, house and computers
· Salvation, ministry and Savior

I have two additional sparkling gifts from God—Jayme Durant and Helen Hanson, my writing partners.

Jayme writes from the heart as a mother who’s waded through deep waters. I relish her wisdom, compassion and insight on the affairs of life.

Helen writes saucy humor that’s sure to bring giggles as well as a fresh perspective to many a mundane footnote in life. Ever been bitten by a bug? Wait ‘till you hear about Helen’s tango with death because of one little itchy bit of mischief. Just don’t ask where the grim ripper sank it’s chompers!

For encouraging, challenging and entertaining vignettes on life, visit WITS—Writers In The Storm. I’ll be posting to each Monday!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Writing Like A Pro Workship

In May, I'm teaching a series of writer's workshops for the Aubrey Public Library.
If you want to write nonfiction, but have no idea where to begin, please come to this free class Tuesday nights, May 13, 20 & 27th from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

The following how-to for article writing will help get your feet wet:

Write Articles - wikiHow

How to Write Articles

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Whether it's for a magazine, newspaper, your teacher, or even wikiHow, writing an amazing article whittles down to one widely-adaptable technique. Here's how to use that technique to your advantage.


  1. Determine your topic. Exactly what are you going to write about? Brainstorm for ideas if you have to. When writing for wikiHow, you may even wish to refer to requested topics for ideas.
  2. Figure out who your audience is. Are you writing for a beginner, an intermediate, or an advanced audience? For example, if you are writing an article about "Creating PowerPoint Slides," are your readers new to PowerPoint, or business people looking for advanced tips?
  3. Do your research. How well do you know the topic? Is it something you can write easily about with little or no preparation, or do you need more information from experts in the field?
  4. Decide on the length of the article. Teachers, magazines, and newspapers will often give you a limit. wikiHow articles, on the other hand, are often "as long as they need to be and no longer."
  5. Compile a list of possible sources for you to consult. This can include documents, internet research and people to talk to.
  6. Write either an outline or a summary of your article. This will help bring the concept of the article into sharper focus.
  7. Write the rough draft of the article as follows:
    • Tell your readers what you are going to tell them. This is your introduction. For example:
      • This article explains how to create a PowerPoint slide presentation. It covers the following information: choosing a theme, creating a title slide, and creating topic slides.
      • The information in this article is written for a beginner. The author assumes that you have never used PowerPoint.
    • Tell your readers what you promised to tell them. In this section you tell them how to choose a theme, create a title slide, and how to create topic slides.
    • Tell your readers what you just told them. For example:
      • This article taught you how to create a PowerPoint slide presentation. You learned how to choose a template, how to create a title slide, and how to create topic slides.

  8. Check over your piece for presentation.
    • Check for faulty information. Have you double-checked your facts?
    • Delete any unnecessary or contradictory information. The only time you should have information that doesn't support your topic is if you're doing a "point-counterpoint" piece.
    • Eliminate anything that is just taking up space. Don't fill your work with fluff. If you need to do more research, go ahead and do it.
    • Check for grammar and spelling errors.
    • Read it aloud to yourself to make sure the text flows smoothly.

  9. Rewrite the article as often as it takes.
  10. Turn in your completed article.


  • Neither the outline nor the summary for your article has to be in traditional I, II, III format. The point of formatting is to help you. If you feel you can find your focus by writing a list of incomplete sentences, then go for it. Later, if your teacher wants a formal outline, you can create one from the article itself.
  • By checking grammar and spelling errors last in the editing process, you won't waste any time by correcting those on something you may delete.
  • If you're writing for a newspaper or magazine and are new to professional writing, it's customary to introduce yourself and your story in a query or pitch letter. Find the name of the editor who will be handling your piece (i.e.; if you're writing an article about cars for a newspaper, find the name of the car-section editor). This information can be found in the masthead, a box containing the names of the editors, usually found near the front or comment pages of a publication. Write a catchy but brief outline of what your story is about and why that publication's readership would be interested in it. Also include a few lines about your experience as a writer. The tone of this letter should be professional, but affable and friendly. It is not the place to make demands, or admit your shortcomings as a professional writer. Discussing wages and freelance fees should come after the editor has accepted your pitch.
  • If you have no experience as a professional writer, do not start off pitching columns (opinion pieces). Columns are generally reserved for people who have either been working at a publication for a very long time, or for people who have a particular expertise in a field. If you're new to writing, start small. Think obituaries, human-interest stories and simple news articles. It's generally easier to start with newspapers than with magazines. Try writing for life, fashion, arts, cars or travel sections before pitching stories to news. These sections tend to be understaffed and therefore have a greater budget for freelance writers.
  • If you're interested in pursuing a career as a writer, be realistic. People who make their living as writers generally start to build their portfolio of published work as early as high school. It generally takes even the most dedicated writer several years before he can make a living off of the trade. In other words, don't quit your day job. Ease into writing gradually, perhaps doing freelance pieces while maintaining a more stable job part-time.
  • Take some courses in both non-fiction and fiction writing. Not only will they help with your work, but also you can make contacts in the business by getting to know your professors and fellow writers. This will help you to be taken seriously when you start pitching articles for publication. Being a good freelance writer means knowing how to write and how to network.
  • Make sure your article answers five questions: why, where, when, what and how.


  • When writing for a newspaper or magazine, do not do so for free. Ask what their freelance fee is beforehand. Your pay will usually be calculated on a per-word basis. Your work is valuable. Writing for free demeans the profession and makes making a living more difficult for those of us who depend on freelance fees to pay the bills. (But if you're just starting out, volunteering to do some articles for smaller community papers, student publications and trade magazines is a great way to build your portfolio. Be warned that these publications rarely have the money to pay freelancers anyway.)
  • Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to write the article. If you don't, then you'll be rushing at the last minute to create something that isn't representative of what you can truly do.
  • Do not be a diva. Your work will go through several editors, copy-editors and fact checkers before being published. It will be changed. Pulling a temper tantrum is a surefire way to not be invited to work for that publication again.
  • Your reputation as a writer is almost as important as the work you submit, do not make errors or plagiarize. Copying something without attribution is the quickest way to get blacklisted as a writer. Keep your notes and source lists handy so that your editors can verify your work. If you do make a mistake, come clean immediately and apologize profusely.
  • Don't miss deadlines. Generally speaking, a late article is worse than a mediocre one.
  • Literary circles are small and gossipy. Don't say anything bad about a fellow writer or editor, ever. You never know who's married to whom.

Things You'll Need

  • Something to write with: computer, pen and paper, etc.
  • An email account to pitch and submit stories. (Something vaguely professional, no one will take seriously.)
  • Research materials. Either go to your bookshelf, the library or find an expert on the topic.
  • Access to a database like Lexus Nexus or factiva. Be sure to see what others have already written on the topic.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Write Articles. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.