Friday, April 25, 2008

When I whine instead of pray...

As a person who wants to Live Above Neutral, I spent time this week wrestling with the difference between whining and supplication.

My investigation began with a visit to the dictionary…

Whine means to complain or protest in a childish fashion.

My supplication turns whiny when:

  • I demand. I leave no room for God to say, “No.” I usurp God’s authority.

  • I bargain. I try to get my way by asking over and over again in a Balaam-like fashion.

  • I complain. I dwell on all the reasons I’m not happy with my situation.

  • I sulk. I cross my arms and pout because I know that my way is better than God’s way.

So, what does healthy supplication look like?

  • I request. I realize God has the right to give a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.

  • I rest. I recognize God knows best and express my confidence in His decision.

  • I rejoice. I appreciate the blessings in my life.

  • I relinquish. I let go of my anger, dissappointment and bitterness. I yield to God's plan.

When I get to my knees, how does this information affect my prayer life?

I ask…
I ask with hope, believing He hears.
I ask with respect, believing He’s God.
I ask with my head, knowing God’s Word.
I ask with my heart, knowing God’s will.
I ask repeatedly, frequently and fervently.
I ask…
and I receive.
His yes or His no.

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