Saturday, April 19, 2008

Giving Credit Where Credit’s Due

Do you ever feel like you’re learning the same life lesson over-and-over again?

“I should know this by now,” becomes a yearly—perhaps even weekly—mantra.

With an ironic laugh, I’m realizing that today’s lesson should be one I know by heart. Still, I felt a moment of discovery as the thought occurred to me, “Only by God’s grace will my writing be published.” Whew. Typing the words on my keyboard creates bittersweet feelings.

I remember when I realized that finding that special someone is God’s grace…and His grace alone. Undeserved. Unmerited. Gift. My beauty (lol), charm or wile would never secure my lifelong mate. A husband comes from the hand of God as a present. The only thing missing’s the bow.

I learned the lesson again when the doctor said those unimaginable words, “You can’t have children.” My lungs refused to inflate…black dots, called floaters by ophthalmologists, blotted out the face of the hated doctor. Undeserved. Unmerited. Gift. Feelings of entitlement fled as I realized that children, too, come from God.

I should know by now that every good things comes from God…

Why do I forget? When the dust settles from my fit-throwing (hm, good thing the toaster was already broken!), I remember…oh yah…


Anonymous said...

Amen! Seems our greatest lessons we are destined to repeat. So much for my being a fast learner . . .


Sonjia Bradshaw said...

and repeat...
and repeat...
did I say repeat?

Reminds me of trying to learn my multiplication tables as a kid!