My son yanked a dandelion from the ground and handed it to me. "Make a wish, Mom," he grinned.
I stood holding the limp puff-ball while loose dirt from the dangling roots showered my toes. Hm. What to wish for? I finally decided to make my wish a prayer…for my son and his future. I looked at his eager face and I caressed the curve of his round cheeks with my eyes. May my little boy grow up safe, healthy and loving you, Lord. Then I blew until all the little white messengers floated away to heaven carrying my heart’s plea.
“Well, that’s one way to do it.” Said my boy, tugging another dandelion from its earthen home. “But when I make a wish, I like doing it like this.” He shook the dandelion violently until all the white puffs scattered every direction, and he chanted, “I wish that all the people in all the world everywhere would be kind.”
The selflessness of a four-year-old who would use his dandelion wishes for strangers prodded me to pray a second time. Lord, please hear Jacob’s wish. Make people everywhere kind…and start with me.
So, here are some questions I find myself pondering:
- What keeps me from being kind to others? Time? Money? Thoughtlessness?
- Can I budget a small amount of money for a kind deed?
- Can I manage my time to allow an extra moment of kindness in my driving?
- How can I be kind to my family, neighbors and friends today?
Has someone blessed your life with a gift of kindness?
Did you have the opportunity to bless someone else?
I’d love to hear about it! Click on comments and share your story.
Hi Sonja,
What a wonderful story. Makes me feel so selfish . . .
Thanks for being a blessing!!
Doc Rita
Hey, Sonjia! Great story and a fantastic picture. My kids love dandelion wishes, too. Isabel's only wish is for ice cream. :)
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