Wednesday, February 25, 2009

River Crossing

He sees all…
Every moment,
major and minor
a mother’s sigh
a dimpled grin
a toothless grimace
and final shudder.

In the ebb and flow
of what’s called history
Every atom’s movement
swirls immediate
under His watchful eye.

Can the past hide from His sight?
Fade away in dim twilight?
Disappear like fallen travelers
in a puff of dust and vanished tears.

In a single moment of comprehension,
He sees every ripple,
every cause and effect
and effect
and effect…
From beginning to end
He sees,
He knows,
He understands.

The river surges unbridled,
untamed by human will
But with a single stroke of fingertip
He sends a tsunami event.

A babe cries…a mama smiles…
pink skinned Deity
rests in fragile arms.

In the current,
young carpenter swims
He builds a bridge.

It stretches from days gone by
and those yet to come
to the One who never changes
from temporal
to timeless
from earth
to eternity

A ripple, a splash
A pig-tailed girl says “yes”
to the tug on her heart
Angels sing unabashed.

She steps into the river
where water rises
and darkness wraps about her.

She sees
with eyes made new
Her hope
on distant shore.

She gasps
He sees her.
She realizes
He’s always seen her.