Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Good, The Bye and The Ugly


On my list of goofy phrases, this oxymoron ranks up there with civil war and benevolent dictator.

What aspect of separation, parting and farewell merits the word “good?”

I have decided to boycott, “Good-bye.”

No more good-bye tears, hugs, or kisses. I’ve waved off the good-bye wave. Tossed out the good-bye message. Silenced the good-bye song. I’ve closed the book on tearful, sad, golden, final, emotional and last good-byes.

“See you soon” or “See you later” works for most benevolent partings.

For fun or frivolous farewells, I will rely on: bon voyage, toodle-oo, or cheerio.

But when the separation involves decades or an undetermined amount of time or the remainder of earth’s years, how do I address such an occasion?

I find myself running to the original meaning of good-bye for a solution.

Good devolved from the word God
Bye morphed from the short-hand of Be With Ye (bwye which further shortened to bye).

God Be With Ye.

This Memorial Day, I remember my uncle who fought on the blood-soaked beaches of the Pacific during World War II and I whisper with all my heart, “Uncle George, God be with ye.”

To those who sacrificed their lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness to insure our nation's freedom. Thank You. God Be With You!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Write Like A Pro Workshop

Write Like a Pro Workshop begins tonight. This free workshop continues for three Tuesday nights in May (13, 20, 27) from 7:00-8:30 at the Aubrey Public Library. Find descriptions of the Get it Write. Get Creative. Get Published workshops at

Hope to see you there tonight!

Heroes...Way more than a TV series...

I'm continuing the discussion of heroes at Writers In The Storm.

Visit here and read about the man that God admired.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Heroes...More than a TV Series

The month of May gives us Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day and Memorial Day...days to recognize heroes who made history, heroes who make a difference today, and heroes who made our nation what it is.

Visit Writers In The Storm for this week's post looking at the correlation between heroes and Living Above Neutral